Workshops for Business


We provide tools and methodologies that make it easy for your business (no matter the size) to begin a sustainability transformation.


Build internal knowledge

We provide training/workshops that guide your team to understand sustainability as a strategy to develop projects, measure and communicate impact.


Our Courses

ESG Introduction

The world is experiencing a significant transformation and the way we do business is changing. The integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices into operations has become essential for enhancing value creation, and ensuring a positive impact for stakeholders.

With Australia planning to implement mandatory climate-risk reporting for companies, businesses are starting to consider what their path to sustainability might look like. The time is now to get ahead of regulations and boost your competitive advantage.

Our science-action approach to sustainability ensures your ESG journey will be informed by methodologies and tools that will enable your organisation to achieve real results.

The purpose of this workshop is to raise awareness about ESG frameworks and highlight the role of business to stay ahead of evolving regulations and compliance. We will provide practical advice on integrating ESG topics into business strategies and operations. Our aim is to equip you with the tools and knowledge to accelerate your actions and create feasible and measurable Sustainability/ESG practices.

Our sessions are built on a foundation of interactive learning, so you can expect engage with ESG frameworks and reporting standards that are commonly used. You will be encouraged to share your insights and reflect on ways to turn complex topics into practices, ensuring you gain the skills necessary start implementing tangible ESG initiatives.

– Engaging and interactive learning sessions about Sustainability/ESG.

– Real-world case studies showcasing ESG best practices.

– Hands-on group discussions to identify material ESG factors within an organisation.

– Strategic guidance to help your organisation launch sustainability/ESG initiatives.

ESG topics

The ESG Introduction is suitable for anyone within any organization, from front-office staff to managers, executives, and board members. The Introduction to ESG course is specifically designed for bringing valuable insights to raise the knowledge level of ESG across the company.

Training is split over two half days (3 hours), with an additional 3 hours of additional self-learning.

Carbon Literacy

With a global focus on reducing our impact, having a comprehensive understanding of carbon literacy is the key to managing carbon emissions.

Through achieving carbon literacy, organisations can identify opportunities for improvement, drive innovation, and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.

Our workshop is designed to allow organisations to identify opportunities for improvement and demonstrate their commitment towards net-zero.

From understanding your carbon footprint to reducing your emissions, this program aims to establish a baseline understanding among participants, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding carbon literacy. This shared knowledge encourages collaboration and empowers individuals to collectively address sustainability practices, and the action needed to be part of a low-carbon economy.

We provide an interactive learning-action in line with science-based, so you can expect to be engaged in thought-provoking discussions and encouraged to share your insights and reflect ways to turn complex topics into feasible and simply practices, ensuring you gain the skills necessary to make a tangible difference in your organization.

You’ll not only leave with knowledge and real-world case studies to draw from, but a starter pack to learn what net-zero journey means as a strategy for a “New Way of Doing Business”!

– The science behind carbon emissions and their impact on climate change.

– Carbon Literacy, and scopes 1, 2 and 3.

– Hands-on exercises and group discussions to create a strategic action plan to reduce emissions.

– How to develop a strategic plan to engage and inspire sustainable practices within an organisation.

Sustainability, carbon literacy.

This course is designed for any business team interested in better understanding carbon emissions, and what is required to facilitate a low-carbon economy.

Training is split over two half days (3 hours), with an addition 2 hours of additional self-learning.

Integrating SDGs into business strategies

We’ll get to the heart of exactly what the United Nations Sustainable Development goals mean for your business – and how you can align your strategies with this powerful framework, and then measure that contribution against them, in pursuit of ESG topics.

In this workshop, we’ll provide you with the tools and knowledge to identify business opportunities, set ambitious goals, enhance the value of corporate sustainability and communicate results.

Our sessions are built on a foundation of interactive learning, so you can expect to be engaged in thought-provoking discussions and encouraged to share your insights and ideas. You’ll not only leave with knowledge and examples to draw from, but a guide for how your business can take action on the SDGs.

– why SDGs matter for your business?

– how to set the priorities and take a strategic approach to the SDGs.

– tips for the first steps, and aligning the SDG’s into business actions.

– how to define your baseline and set KPI’s.

ESG/Sustainable Business Strategies

This course is designed for business owners, managers, and team members.

This course is generally split into two half days (4 hrs each), with an addition 2 hours of additional self-learning.

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